by Tim Parsa

Share Upside to Grow Fast

So you've converted your Founder Energy into a signal by publishing short videos.

You've launched your startup with Slyk. You're not wasting time building an MVP no one will use or chasing VCs who don't want to talk to you.

Now it's time to focus on growing your Startup Community.

Reward the World for Helping you Grow

Slyk makes it easy with free growth tools that reward your community for inviting others to join your Slyk.

First let's take a step back and understand why people have joined your startup community.

They like what you're doing. They care about the problem you're solving. They believe in the opportunity of the business you are building.

So think of growth as giving your community a way to share in the upside of what you are building.

Tech startups convert founder energy into wealth by solving big painful problems.

But you can't do it alone. You need collaborators, growth hackers, mercenary missionaries.

Mercenary Missionaries

So do these three things:

  1. Turn on your referral rewards and set them high to start-- give anyone who brings you a paying client for early access 50% of the sales they bring.
  2. Turn on your web2 Slyk-managed marketing rewards and give a generous reward in fiat, crypto, or coin for community sharing.
  3. Add a manual task or two-- the things you need most from your community to help your startup grow. It could be a reward for work you need done or an intro to a collaborator you really want to work with.

Now record a new home video explaining how your community can help you grow, explaining the referral, marketing, and manual task rewards. Post it to your video channels and let everyone know that you're sharing upside in your startup with everyone who helps you level up.

Share the upside of your startup with the community that wants it to exist. Mercenary missionaries are the key to sustainable growth.

Stop Stalling
Start Selling